Saturday, 2 July 2011

Receiving raport !!

Today is 2nd July 2011. And guess what happen today...? You must already know from the title. Yeah, i get my raport today ! I'm so nervous in the morning. And when the clock show 08.30 AM, my heart is beating so fast !!
And finally, my car stop in front of the school gate. I and my father are walking slowly to my class. I sit in front of class beside the door with my other friends. Me and my friends were so nervous waiting for our names called by our teacher. And finally.... MY NAME IS CALLED!!

Yaww.... pas dipanggil, ibu itu langsung berbicara banyak tentang ini-itu. Dan makin lama ibu itu bicara makin cepat pula jantung ku berdetakk!!! Oh my God! :p and finally, my teacher  My father takes my raport and walking out. I said bye to my friends, so i follow my father to my car. And then, inside of car, with nervously, i was looking to my raport. Woww!!! I got rank 3! I'm happy and grateful of my value. Tapi, beberapa nilaiku menurun dari tahun kemarin, walau ada juga yang naik sih :p dan... menurutku itu lumayan bagus. Walau sebenarnya, aku gak puas -_- 

Arrived at Home. My mother doesnt so care about my scores when we were in the car because my sister. My sister is also gots her raport. And my mother feel satisfy of my sister's scores. 
And when we arrived at home, my mother asks me where your raport. After she's take a look at my raport, she's starting to angry. Oh... she was comparing me with my sister! I hate to be compared about! Because 'm not her. I'm me! I feel so sad and angry inside of my heart. But, whatever i say, that doesnt make any change, right? Well, yang terpenting, aku puas dengan diriku sendiri because i've did my best to answer the exam. and if this is the value, so, okay. I'm proud of MYSELF :D

- Be the best of yourself :))