Sunday, 16 October 2011

Pray for UTS -.-

Hari ini akan dimulailah perang antara murid vs soal lebai wkwk. Buat yang gak tau apa itu UTS, nih... UTS = Ulangan Tengah Semester. Jadwal hari ini MTK (tgl 17-10-2011). Mau  tau perasaaan gue gimana? Huwaa deg-degan bangeeett!!!!!!!! Mana hari ini bagi rapor bulanan! parah.... -,-

Temen aku, keluarga aku, dan seluruh orang di dunia (emg kenal?) doain biar nilai-nilai aku bagus yaaa *dengan tampang memelas :p wkwk... Btw, tapi ada juga sedikit hal yang bikin aku lega di UTS ini!

Aku ini anak kelas 8.6 n nomor absen aku 3. Naah, absen ke-empat tuh ATAN W R (mau tau dia laki-laki atau perempuan? tebak aja sendirriii :p ). Dia itu rangking 1 plus anak yang pintterrrrr! :))) dan dia duduk di sebelah aku! yaa kalo ada org pinter duduk di sebelah, pasti tau apa yang akan aku lakukan kaannn? nyontek! tapi, untuk keadaan genting aja kok :3 apa lagi, kami ini duduk di belakang, SUDUT! wkwk


okee sudah dulu yaa post yang ini mau siap-siap ke sekolahh!! dadaahhhhhhh

Friday, 14 October 2011

You Make Me Feel

I'm fallin in love with the newest cover of Tiffany! It's You make me feel by cobra starship cover. I'm gonna post some pictures from the video ;)) xoxo

                                                                  i edited this haha >>

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Just wanna tell you THIS IS ME! haha :p
It doesnt wrong to show you all my face, right?

Okay, thanks for see this :D

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

My Twitter Friends (Boys)

i just have two boy twitter friends... so, i'll tell you as complete as i can ;)

First, it @ry200455665. His real name is Ryan. Yeah, i just know it's Ryan. He lived on Canada. Sorry, i cant tell you his age because he doesnt want anybody know, so i'll just secret it! :p hehe \=D/

He's good at calming everybody and soooo friendly! He would tell you a sweet words if youre in sad mood. His hobbies are playing and watching ice hockey. He knows Tiffany Alvord and love Tiff too (didnt i already say all my twitter friends are tiffanatic? haha{look my previous post}). He will there everytime you sad, or bad mood. He is um.. (maybe) handsome? yeah!.... i never meet him! =_= i'm sure he is! :) someone can be judge by their heart and not trough face haha I like talking to him so much, even he is a little busy now (maybe?)....   btw, you can follow him here
I bet you wont regret it! :)

Well, wanna say sorry because i didnt know him so well! but, i will tell you again, if i know him a quite well :))) and again... sorry for saying "maybe" too much! apologize me.... =.=

And now, here it is my second and last twitter friend. He is @DJUzzyOfficial. His real name is Uzayr Ashraf. His age is 16.He lived in London, English. :))

He is a MOSLEM! i never thought will know someone moslem on other country.... like london! :O waww...! haha
he also like making dubstep. it's like cezz... dup...cezz... cezz...Beep! haha i dont know hot to say it! :p The dubsteps are sooo cool! :))) you guys could check his channel here
Okay... soo... he can speak spanish. i want to make him teach me spanish, but i dont have time haha. he is love chelsea. And he is half Spanish-Pakistan. He is soo confident to his Amazing talent {dont mad because that's a praies for you ;)) lol }. i like talking to him too :) if you wanna follow him, here it is :D

Please go FOLLOW HIM!!!

Thanks to read this post :3
:)) see ya! :)

Saturday, 17 September 2011

My Twitter Friends (For Girls)

I wanna make you know, my friends on twitter. I have many friends on twitter. First, Tiffany Alvord. She is my idol but also my BESTfriend! She said "sure :)" when i ask her to be my bestfriend. She told me that on 4th August 2011. I'm so proud of that, you know? It's hard to make a singer to be your friend after all ;)

Well, she's a 18 years old (this December, she will be 19). She started singing in youtube since 2008. She has so many talent (i already write about her before...) haha.... She has 6 brothers, which 5 is big brothers and 1 young brothers. She likes baby blue color. She likes chocolate. She loved to sing, play guitar and play piano too. She's usually not mad at everyone. She likes watching. She likes saying "shweird" when something going weird. She hates to be called by tiff when she's young, but she doesnt matter if you call her tiff now. She loves her fan, which is her fan called Tiffanatic. GO FOLLOW >> @OfficialTiffany!!
Just a little-long paragraph of her ^^

Second, my another friend is JSlo5 (twitter name). Her complete name is Jordan Slocum. She is Tiff's BESTFRIEND!! i love talking to her. She's always answer me when i mention her! :) and be there whenever i need her ~ she said she "loves playing music. Violin, piano, voice, guitar, whatever". She's pretty too! :) And you know her age, of course, right? She is 19 years old this year. I LOVE TALKING  TO HER! SHE IS A GREAT PERSON TO BE TALKING TO!!!! FOLLOW HER >> @JSlo5

My other friend is imaTiffanatic (twitter name). Her true name is GO EUN! She is korean. She is funny talking and a really~really~really~really NICE person. I loved talking to her. She is 14(yeah, i know she is older than me............. but the age is doesnt matter for me!). Her hobbies are hanging out with friends, watching videos on Youtube and texting :) She like saying lol at the end of sentence. And she is tiffanatic too (well, you'll see her twitter name? and yes, all my twitter friends are tiffanatic!). She
Follow her >> @imaTiffanatic ;) follow her please... and you wont regret anything! :)

MaceAlvordIndo  (twitter name). Her real name is Fay Fildzah. She is 14 and come from Indonesia too.... just like mee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, she's from Jakarta and i'm from Palembang. She loves writing story. She like kidding very much! She's often mock me! -_-v haha..... She's beautiful. She's macer and also tiffanatic. She often saying funny things and chatting with friends. (i dont know anything much about her! :\ )  Well,  all i know is She's an AWESOME people. so, follow herrr >> @MaceAlvordIndo

Last, my other friend is @TAlvord101. Her true name is Clara T*** (haha she's doesnt like her name, sorry :p ). She is live on Hong Kong. She was having her 14th birthday on 14th August. She said she love making music and talking and tumbling and listening to one direction and so on... She is sooo pretty and smart too :) i have known her for so long (via twitter of course :p). She has a smooth + beautiful voice. And she's soo smart too! She's tiffanatic and arianator too :) So, GO GO GO GO follow her >> @TAlvord101 !!!

thanks for reading ~
(but, i dont know very much about all my twitter friend! Because of that, sorry :(  is it okay?)


Sunday, 11 September 2011

Skyscraper :)

I love this song so much! So, i decided to write the lyrics here!
Here it is ! :)


Skies are crying, i'm watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence as its ending
Like we never had a chance

Do you have to make me feel like
There's nothing left of me

You can take everything i have
You can break everything i am
Like i'm made of glass
Like i'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising fron the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

As a smoke clear i awaken
And untangled you from me
Would i make you feel better
Do watch me while i bleed

Oh, my window now i broken
And i'm standing on my feet


You can take everything i have
You can break everything i am
Like i'm made of glass
Like i'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising fron the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Go run run run I'm gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear yeahh..
Go run run run yeah it's a long way down
But I'm closer to the clouds up here..


You can take everything i have
You can break everything i am
Like i'm made of glass
Like i'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising fron the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

So that's it! what do you think? It's great, isnt it?
Oh, yeah, if you dont have the song yet you can click

And this is where you can find Tiffany sang Skyscraper :
Skyscraper by Tiffany Alvord

Okay, then! See yaa <3

Friday, 9 September 2011

Untuk apa pelajaran ALJABAR MTK tuh?

sorry, guys! it's been so long since i posted :)

terus, sekarang yang ingin aku tau tuh "untuk apa pelajaran ALJABAR MTK?". Maksud aku, yang kayak 2y + 4m -3y - 9m (cuma contoh soal yang kau buat nihh :P ). Coba pikir, kalo kita mau jadi arsitek rasanya kan yang dibutuhkan cuma gimana ngitung luas, panjang and that kind of stuff... Terus, kalo kita mau jadi pegawai bank, atau salah satu bagian dari bank itu yah... yang dibutuhin kan cuma ngitung uang, terus masalah kreditlah, saldolah, depositolah, dan semacamnya!! Gak ada kan yang mau ngebahas tentang aljabar.

Kalo ktemu orang pun gak bakal ditanya tentang "aljabar." Sampe sekarang, aku masih gak tau apa gunanya aljabar itu, sih?

Sbenernya sih, rasanya aljabar itu gak terlalu sulit, tapi juga gak mudah..... AWALNYA!
Tapi, makin lama makin rumit nih soal! Bikin otak pusing, bikin perasaan kesel, gak ada bagusnya juga!! :\

Wait... who's the one made algebraic, after all? Why did she/he do that?

P.S : "kalo kalian tau apa gunanya aljabar itu, kasih tau ya?" ;)
        "if you guys know what's algebraic for, let me know, okay?" ;)
 and thanks for reading this post!


Sunday, 21 August 2011

Tiffany Alvord!!!

I guess the most of us have role idol, right? ;)
Yup, me too! *Tiff is AMAZING youtuber!! CLICK HERE to go to her channel! :)
can you check her channel and subscribe? :)

I have a role idol. Name is TIFFANY ALVORD. She was born at 11 December 1992, now she is 18 years old (not until December later). She could play piano and guitar. She had a piano lesson for 6 years. But, she learned to play guitar by herself for these 3 years. If you check how Tiff play her guitar, you will realize how  amazing talent she has!!! here is some her pics with her guitar :

I think she took this picture when she's on Oklahoma. So beautiful right? :)

This is when she sang "Thank You" song because she got 500,000 subscribers! :)
Click HERE to check the video!

This is her guitar when she sang How To Love by Lil Wayne! :)
Check her video HERE
It'd be means a lot to her, if you check it out!

Btw, she play piano too! So, these are the pic of her keyboard :
This is when she sang "Skycraper" by Demi Lovato! love it soo much! <3 
Click HERE to see the video :)

Megan Mace and Tiffany Alvord
Liz Mace and TiffanyAlvord
Tiff took pics with Megan and Liz when she were on Nashville.
Check MeganandLiz channel youtube HERE

If Tiffany see this i wanna say BIG THANK YOU to her! Thanks for being you, thanks for being my idol, thanks for being so nice to your fan! There arent so many singer like you, who's being sooo great to their fans! You know, she wake up all the night just to make a video for all her fans! She wake up on 5:00 am, just to answer her fans tweet! :)

"Hey, Tiff! I want you to know, that i love you and i'm so grateful! For all the words trough to me always! You are my idol but youre also my friends! And i wanna say "Thank You" for all you do to me! i wanna say "Thank You" for helping me believe! I wanna say "Thank You" just for everything! I wanna say Thank You, Thank You! :) "

Dear, Tiff, familiar to that song? :)
I hope you like this post! i make this post for ya! <3

If youre not checking Tiffany's website yet, check it HERE 
Come and check it out!! 
And if you dont know Tiffany's twitter yet, check it HERE
Go follow her!

That'd mean a lot to her, if you could do that! Thanks~

I hope you guys like this post, even it's just an unimportant post! BYE ~
Thanks for reading! ;)

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Receiving raport !!

Today is 2nd July 2011. And guess what happen today...? You must already know from the title. Yeah, i get my raport today ! I'm so nervous in the morning. And when the clock show 08.30 AM, my heart is beating so fast !!
And finally, my car stop in front of the school gate. I and my father are walking slowly to my class. I sit in front of class beside the door with my other friends. Me and my friends were so nervous waiting for our names called by our teacher. And finally.... MY NAME IS CALLED!!

Yaww.... pas dipanggil, ibu itu langsung berbicara banyak tentang ini-itu. Dan makin lama ibu itu bicara makin cepat pula jantung ku berdetakk!!! Oh my God! :p and finally, my teacher  My father takes my raport and walking out. I said bye to my friends, so i follow my father to my car. And then, inside of car, with nervously, i was looking to my raport. Woww!!! I got rank 3! I'm happy and grateful of my value. Tapi, beberapa nilaiku menurun dari tahun kemarin, walau ada juga yang naik sih :p dan... menurutku itu lumayan bagus. Walau sebenarnya, aku gak puas -_- 

Arrived at Home. My mother doesnt so care about my scores when we were in the car because my sister. My sister is also gots her raport. And my mother feel satisfy of my sister's scores. 
And when we arrived at home, my mother asks me where your raport. After she's take a look at my raport, she's starting to angry. Oh... she was comparing me with my sister! I hate to be compared about! Because 'm not her. I'm me! I feel so sad and angry inside of my heart. But, whatever i say, that doesnt make any change, right? Well, yang terpenting, aku puas dengan diriku sendiri because i've did my best to answer the exam. and if this is the value, so, okay. I'm proud of MYSELF :D

- Be the best of yourself :))

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

(: My New First Post :)

Well, this is MY FIRST POST. So, karena ini hanya post yang pertama, jadi aku cuma pengin ngasih tahu hal-hal yang gak penting mungkin ;)
Blog ini namanya "It's All About Me". Yah, aku juga nggak tahu kenapa aku ngasih nama itu. Karena itu ada dalam kepalaku, jadi kuputuskan itu saja. Karena cuma itu yang telintas Lumayan kan namanya :) Well, pokoknya aku harap kalian suka blog ini. Walau isinya mungkin bakal ngawur-ngawur. Maklum yahh..

So,  mulai sekarang, please ikutin seluruh post yang aku share yaa :) And leave comment ! 
And juga, siapa yang follow aku, pasti bakal ku follback ~
So, hope you enjoy my blog :)