Saturday, 17 September 2011

My Twitter Friends (For Girls)

I wanna make you know, my friends on twitter. I have many friends on twitter. First, Tiffany Alvord. She is my idol but also my BESTfriend! She said "sure :)" when i ask her to be my bestfriend. She told me that on 4th August 2011. I'm so proud of that, you know? It's hard to make a singer to be your friend after all ;)

Well, she's a 18 years old (this December, she will be 19). She started singing in youtube since 2008. She has so many talent (i already write about her before...) haha.... She has 6 brothers, which 5 is big brothers and 1 young brothers. She likes baby blue color. She likes chocolate. She loved to sing, play guitar and play piano too. She's usually not mad at everyone. She likes watching. She likes saying "shweird" when something going weird. She hates to be called by tiff when she's young, but she doesnt matter if you call her tiff now. She loves her fan, which is her fan called Tiffanatic. GO FOLLOW >> @OfficialTiffany!!
Just a little-long paragraph of her ^^

Second, my another friend is JSlo5 (twitter name). Her complete name is Jordan Slocum. She is Tiff's BESTFRIEND!! i love talking to her. She's always answer me when i mention her! :) and be there whenever i need her ~ she said she "loves playing music. Violin, piano, voice, guitar, whatever". She's pretty too! :) And you know her age, of course, right? She is 19 years old this year. I LOVE TALKING  TO HER! SHE IS A GREAT PERSON TO BE TALKING TO!!!! FOLLOW HER >> @JSlo5

My other friend is imaTiffanatic (twitter name). Her true name is GO EUN! She is korean. She is funny talking and a really~really~really~really NICE person. I loved talking to her. She is 14(yeah, i know she is older than me............. but the age is doesnt matter for me!). Her hobbies are hanging out with friends, watching videos on Youtube and texting :) She like saying lol at the end of sentence. And she is tiffanatic too (well, you'll see her twitter name? and yes, all my twitter friends are tiffanatic!). She
Follow her >> @imaTiffanatic ;) follow her please... and you wont regret anything! :)

MaceAlvordIndo  (twitter name). Her real name is Fay Fildzah. She is 14 and come from Indonesia too.... just like mee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, she's from Jakarta and i'm from Palembang. She loves writing story. She like kidding very much! She's often mock me! -_-v haha..... She's beautiful. She's macer and also tiffanatic. She often saying funny things and chatting with friends. (i dont know anything much about her! :\ )  Well,  all i know is She's an AWESOME people. so, follow herrr >> @MaceAlvordIndo

Last, my other friend is @TAlvord101. Her true name is Clara T*** (haha she's doesnt like her name, sorry :p ). She is live on Hong Kong. She was having her 14th birthday on 14th August. She said she love making music and talking and tumbling and listening to one direction and so on... She is sooo pretty and smart too :) i have known her for so long (via twitter of course :p). She has a smooth + beautiful voice. And she's soo smart too! She's tiffanatic and arianator too :) So, GO GO GO GO follow her >> @TAlvord101 !!!

thanks for reading ~
(but, i dont know very much about all my twitter friend! Because of that, sorry :(  is it okay?)


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